Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Quebec 2013 Day 1 The Citadel, and Governor General's Residence

We had a busy day today with much walking, and learning about The French military heritage in Quebec. We visited the Plains of Abraham where a battle was fought and won by the British. Madame Crisfafio explained the importance of the battle that occurred there.  All of Canada would be French if the British had not won that battle. Many  of the people who refused to accept British rule were forced to leave and moved to the Isle of Orleans which we plan to visit on Friday. We will visit a sugar shack there, and enjoy fresh maple syrup melted on snow into candy.  Delicious!

We went on a tour with an English speaking guide. It was obvious from the tour that the French speaking people are very passionate about their values, and are willing to fight to the death for them. We heard stories about the French Canadian Royal  22nd Regiment's heroic victory of Vimy Ridge in World War I.  I was inspired by their passion, to fight for those who they agree with like Gandhi, and the United Nations peace keeping forces all over the world. It is not surprising that the Queen of the Great Britain has chosen this award winning force to protect her.

We also visited the Governor General's residence. The Governor General serves as Secretary of State with significantly more power in the Canadian Government. His residence was similar to visiting the White House in the United States. We were not permitted to take pictures but there are a couple of slides at the end of the video with the best view from the bluff of the Saint Lawrence River.
I hope you have enjoyed our trip so far. We will be visiting Luke's favorite spot in Quebec tomorrow, a new aquarium that promises not to disappoint. :)

Enjoy this video of our day. http://locker.palcs.org/~pparris/Quebec/2013%20Quebec/Day%201.wmv

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