Monday, July 23, 2012

Our cyber charter is moving toward more blended programs

This is a discouraging report. Our cyber charter is moving toward more blended programs. We call them brick and click schools. These are places where a group of parents pay facilitators to supervise 20 - 100 students. They move their computers to this location and attend school 2 to 3 days per week.

Math is a problem in cyber school, but it is also a problem in our schools in general. Perhaps multiple choice assessments need to be supplemented with a more scaffold ed approach.

As far as funding goes, not all cyber schools are working with the same economy of scale. If our cyber funding was cut by $4000- $5000 per per pupil we would need to change our model to a more correspondence type of instruction. There is nothing new or innovative about a correspondence course delivery system. We are not able to recruit students at the same rate as before. There is much more competition with traditional schools in Pennsylvania offering cyber options. In short I think that cyber schools are still too new to make this kind of radical funding change. Will the new cyber schools being introduced by traditional schools also experience these funding cuts?

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