I am watching #PCN today and hoping they do not cut Cyber Charter School funding. @PAGOP, The PA Budget is passed, but the devil is in the funding. Please write a letter to your legislator with this simple message today. NO CUTS TO CYBER CHARTER SCHOOLS. We do support the transparency, accountability and reconciliation language provisions but NO CUTS !!! Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School (PALCS) PALCS Student Government
Link to “find your House Legislator”: http://www.house.state.pa.us/
Link to “find your Senator”: http://www.pasen.gov/
Senate Republican Leadership:
Joe Scarnati - jscarnati@pasen.gov
Jake Corman - jcorman@pasen.gov
Pat Browne - pbrowne@pasen.gov
Senate Ed Committee Chair: Lloyd Smucker - lsmucker@pasen.gov
Senate Democrat Leadership:
Anthony Williams - williams@pasenate.com
House R Leadership:
Mike Turzai - mturzai@pahousegop.com
Mike Turzai - mturzai@pahousegop.com
Dave Reed- dreed@pahousegop.com
Bryan Cutler- bcutler@pahousegop.com
Bill Adolph- wadolph@pahousegop.com
Kerry Benninghoff- kbenning@pahousegop.com
House D Leadership:
Tom Dermody- fdermody@pahouse.net
Tom Dermody- fdermody@pahouse.net
Joe Markosek- JMarkose@pahouse.net
Mike Hanna- mhanna@pahouse.net
House Ed Committee Chair: Stan Saylor- ssaylor@pahousegop.com