Saturday, November 5, 2011

Guide on the side not sage on the stage!



The comment "guide on the side" prompted me to post. I first mis-read it as "guide on the slide". The difference one letter can make on a word!

When I discussed it with my wife who is also a teacher, we both decided we liked the later better. When I worked in an urban school district in Philadelphia, my administrator used to tell me that it was the job of student to fight me trying to teach them, and it was my job to get that information into their heads against their wills if necessary.

There are two sides to this. For some schools where students elect to choose the school; students can be self motivated no matter what the methodology. For students in a public school setting it is crucial that we use student directed techniques to engage and motivate our students.

From a school principal perspective in an urban environment I think Guide on the slide is a more fitting saying than guide on the side. :)